Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dream Dream Dream

I am tired, I don't feel well, my great grandma died, and I worked 11 hours again today.

Last night, I had a dream that I went to visit my great grandma - I wasn't surprised to find out that she had died this morning. It is interesting how many people report having dreams about people the night they day.

Might I also comment on the ubiquitous text message. My dad texted me the news that my grandma died. I read it and then had to go all day greeting people and trying to smile. Can't they just wait until the next face to face meeting - or call over the phone. Not that the time my mom called me at work with my grandpa's heart attack was any better. I really just rather not have to deal with that information while I have to continue smiling and pretending like I care to all the people coming in and out of the office.

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