Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breaking 50/50

Tonight is the night to celebrate movies.  After finishing my taxes and cleaning up my place...oh yeah, it is Oscar time.  Two movies I watched recently: 50/50 and Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1. 

Breaking Dawn kind of sucked.  The only thing I came away with at the end in the world did they make her so emaciatedly thin?  I also thought they spent way to much time on the "honeymoon" part the story. 

50/50 was really cute.  Super predictable though.  I pretty much called it at the beginning exactly what was going to happen.  Despite the predictability, I cried.  I love Joseph Gordon Levitt, so I automatically have to recommend this movie.  It really makes you think about life and how hard it is for everyone around the person who is ill to coupe with the information and all the suffering they have to see their loved one go through.

*Weird link between the two movies - the shrink in 50/50 is the girl who plays, I think, Jessica, in Breaking Dawn.

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