Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Park Vows

So I totally forgot on Sunday to write about going and seeing The Vow on Friday night with my sister.  I'll spare a large explanation because I am assuming the majority of us have been bombarded with the preview - it is only Valentine's Day and The Vow is supposed to be romantic. It is about a couple that gets into an accident and the wife forgets her husband.  In fact, she forgets all of her life right up until the point where she breaks off all ties with her family.  The whole rest of the movie is the couple trying to work things back out.  I would not say this movie is very romantic.  It isn't like Never Been Kissed, where you have that happy, almost giddy, feeling by the end.  Nope, you just kind of feel depressed.  Not One Day depressed and not Never Been Kissed happy.    Lost in the middle.

I did finish reading Mansfield Park this weekend.  It was a really good story.  I'm happy I listened to it instead of reading it - I love Austen, but I tend to only fall asleep on her novels.  While there is supposed to be a theory about retention when you sleep on your books, it just isn't any fun explaining away the drool stains later on :D  Fanny is a deeply shy and proper girl - taken in and raised by her wealthy relatives, falls for a man she can't have, is forced upon another man whom she does not like, must stand by and watch and listen as her love tells her all about his love, gets sent to live with her family again, get accepted back at the park when tragedy strikes the family...and as all Austen goes, she gets what she truly deserves in the end.

I haven't tried anything new recently.  I had a very awkward doctor the other day who had a piece of hair sticking up and out of place.  He also asked me not to breath at all as he looked up my nose and down my throat.  He did look like Ben Lovette though - that did rather help me stifle my giggles about the almost Alfalfa like spike of hair he had sticking up.

And since it is Valentine's Day, I'll finish with True Love :D

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