So I think the craft gods hate me. I think all of my crafts turn out pretty crappy. I do have to say that my perfectionism and the incredible imagination I have creates these perfect little ideas that my abilities quite haven't gotten to yet. Take for example, I made this mosaic table that had a bunch of uneven tiles. I wanted to make it even and after about 5 or 6 years of thinking about it, I finally got the resin stuff and attempted to make an even top for my table. I read/saw somewhere online that you could make a bit of a frame with duct tape that would hold the resin in place until it set up and then you just peel it off. Ha...hahahahah. Someone was having a chuckle. Boy am I glad I put the plastic sheeting down because it was one giant mess. My dad and I propped pieces of plywood along the sides to try to help, it just made it harder to see the resin seeping out of the bottom of the tape frame. I checked on it yesterday and it looks usable still. There are places where the resin didn't get to, places where it is a bit thick, and some stalactites that I'll have to sand off (?maybe? it doesn't want to come off with out peeling a majority of the wood and paint off the sides). Maybe I just have to keep working away in order to win the favor of the craft gods. Maybe, like Hercules, I have 12 labors to complete before I can be free from whatever bad craft karma got attached to me.
ReplyDelete"bad craft karma" Come live with me. I'll help turn that bad into beautiful.
hahahaha! ***seriously you crack me up***