Monday, September 24, 2012

My Mind is NOT Alright

As I continue listening to my Temptation of the Night Jasmine, I'll write about something literary.  My mind is slightly disturbed right now from watching The Kids Are All Right.  Wow, it was just messed up on many levels.  Ugh - there was just too much sex and nudity for me to handle. It was almost as bad as my 14 year old self watching 40 Days and 40 Nights (OMG - I can't believe that was 10 years ago - a whole freaking decade).  Ick - to both things! Besides being mentally beyond alright, my physical self has been under the weather as well.  I have been comforting myself with the audiobook of The Temptation of the Night Jasmine, lots and lots of tea, and a movie.  The movie backfired, but the book is very interesting.  I like spies, England, and history.  It doesn't hurt that there is always a bit of a romance story woven into the series.  I started out on this series on my 21st birthday, when my sister gave me The Masque of the Black Tulip as a present.  I feel very akin to Charlotte, all innocence, trust, and imagination fostered by an intense love of reading.   Sometimes, I think my imagination is a curse - like when I was watching the stars out on the dock and I honestly became freaked out at the thought of someone just randomly popping up and out of the water.  I guess having too much imagination is better than none. 

Ugh - I honestly tried Googling The Temptation of the Night Jasmine and I got a picture of Josh Hutcherson.  Really, I am not lying.  Here is the article it came from: Josh as Tommy.  Oi - my mind is really NOT alright. 

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