Sunday, September 23, 2012


Currently, my ears are being blasted by the happy sounds of my nephew getting out of bed time.  He just said my name too!  All of it and no weird little kid accent.  Just, "Stephenie."  I am amazed.  The last time he was saying my name in two garbled syllable chunks -  now, I have a full name.  Yay!

Today has been pretty great.  I am super tired and my ears are constantly ringing.  I spent another night out this weekend listening to the Brother's Quinn after a full day of cleaning at my grandma's house.  More creepy guys hit on me - woot for guys old enough to be my father!  I watched SNL on the tv they had at the bar.  There was no sound, but it is good just watching Mumford and Sons in silence.  *Sigh* tomorrow (the new album comes out).

I haven't really seen any new movies.  I watched one that I believe was called Fragments.  It was very interesting; however, slightly annoying.  I just wanted to give everyone a huge hug and pull them back together.  Some guy walks into a diner and starts shooting people.  All the rest of the diner's patrons that survive the shooting are left to pull the pieces back together.  I was really confused by the one kid and the dad worrying about them finding out about his "pre-existing condition" and him losing his job. They never tell you what his pre-existing condition might be, just that he has one.  I want to know what is wrong with the kid; other than he seems pretty suicidal all the time.  I don't know if that was from before or after the shooting occurred.  I have The Kids are All Right; however, I haven't had a chance to watch it yet.  I really, really, really want to - I'm just exhausted.  I want to crawl back into my bed and read a little with a hot water bottle on my ear. 

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