Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Turn the Other Cheek?

I'm starting this before I head out to Zumba tonight, so when I come back later tonight...well, I'm hoping things will still make sense. 

Anyways, I have had a few thoughts swirling around in my head about the riots that apparently started over a "film," if you can even call it that. My mind has been working away on the myriad of things that are being said about what happened on September 11th.  Yeah, the one last week...that date that commemorates one of the worst days.  I don't know if it was planned or not, I just know that it is pandemonium.  People are saying it is a terrorist attack and calling Obama weak for not responding in a harsh way.  All because of a movie that barely got watched?!?

I'm not saying that these people can't be actually pissed off about this film, but this is an extreme response.  There was someone trying to justify the riots by saying we'd be pissed off if someone misrepresented someone like Jesus or Abraham Lincoln.  Duh, it's call Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Angles and Demons.  Jesus had a baby with a suspected prostitute and Abraham slaying the undead - yup, been there, done that.  Some people were pretty pissed, especially about Jesus having a baby with a whore, BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE A RIOT AND WE DIDN'T KILL PEOPLE THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MOVIE.  I'm completely baffled by it; violence for no real reason other than you didn't like a movie.  So what!  Deal with it, people in America can say what they want: good, bad, stupid, ugly, hurtful, truthful and just plain non-sensical. 

So then I flip my thinking  brain to a people who have never really had freedom of speech.  Do they fully understand what it means?  Do they know that, aside from a few things (like shouting "fire" in a crowded public place and defamation), people can say whatever they please and not have any real repercussions.  Yes, they might regret saying it later or relationships might be hurt, but we have the freedom to express what it on our minds.  If these people literally can't understand the concept of our government protected right to free speech, then I can see how they would jump to the conclusion that our government has "allowed" this to happen.  I don't know how educated these people are that have been whipped into a frenzy by the media and their religious leaders.  Have you looked at the Tea Party recently? Or those crazy psychos with their sign protesting whatever it is they feel they need to protest about?!?  They get whipped up into some crazy ideas that other people have led them to believe is the truth.  I know I have been led astray before fully looking into a topic and after, I have regretted what I thought I believed.  I wish people could just take a deep breath, realize that people make mistakes and say/do stupid things, and then let it go.  You don't have to forgive, just realize that person isn't like you and move on.  Just because another person thinks something, doesn't mean you have to - use your own brain.

As for whether or not our President responded in a "weak" manner; I just want to say "SHUT UP."  Are you kidding me?  We want more violence and hate?  If it was a terror attack, don't you think it is better that we respond in a calm, forgiving manner.  It will piss the little shits off that they haven't pissed us off.  Take a deep breath, realize that those ambassadors and other people would not have wanted more deaths in countries that they clearly loved.  Would they be sad that this happened, yes.  I think they'd be more upset if the we declared war and lashed out like a hurt, wounded, and scared animal.  Be compassionate and let it go.   Do we really want to start something bigger than a riot in response?  All for what?  A movie.  Way to turn the other cheek.

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