Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rant....from a while ago

So I am totally stealing this from when I was trying to write the night before and then post the following day.  It still has a lot of my opinions in it about what is going on currently.   I try not to watch either of the DNC or the RNC because from what I can tell, it's all a bunch of bull.

So I am attempting this writing of blogs the night before.  I seems a little less spontaneous, but it is a nice option for actually getting a blog out without actually having to pay for internet at my own place.  This way, I can write in the comfort of my place, my pajamas, and my steeping cup of tea.  I have been so busy lately, that I have been checking my email on a weekly basis! (Note...this is old information - I have the net now!!!!!!  muhahahaha  and also Netflix, it is my downfall!) I only get to facebook so often because I have control of my business's facebook page as well and I need to keep that up to date.

I'm starting a plan for myself.  Meal planning, exercise planning, and attempting new things are all part of it.  I think I am going to work my way through this book of 50 yoga poses.  My yoga instructor helped me look through the book and decide if anything was beyond me or if there were poses I should do before attempting certain ones.  This might be my new "Testy Tuesday" topic.  Oh - aliteration.  I'm thinking of even setting up a cleaning schedule, a budgeting schedule, and a writing schedule.  These are things I love to do, but I have gotten away from recently by just poor time management and a feeling that my sunlight hours should not be devouted to these tasks.  I spend 4 days straight hardly seeing the sun (except for out my window), I want to see as much of the sun as possible when I am not trapped in those walls. 

I've also had some things I've wanted to talk about, but haven't had time to vent.  I've watched many movies, read many books, and had lots of culture to discuss.  The recall election yesterday (as stated, from a while ago) was a bust.  I can't believe I have to stare at the smarmy, smug face still. I guess Wisconsin has spoken.  I had the intense urge to tell my coworker who was very pro-Walker:  "I'm so glad your kids don't have special needs because they won't get nearly the help they will need." I know one of the ways that touched home to me was a lack of help for my ESL siblings who really do need the help.  There were just more pressing cases for the part time aid to work with during her time at school.  There was even a young teacher, fresh from her first year teaching, wanting to quit already because her small school disctrict was having to budget more; this meant the teachers of the school were covering more subjects and classes in addition to being needed for extra curricular activities.  I'm surprised more teachers aren't so warn out they can't see how to make in another year.  Another teacher today told use her wages for teaching summer school dropped by $13.  When things begin to hit the richer school districts, like the one we live in, I'm thinking a whole lot more Walker supporters are going to start wondering if their "Moving Forward" was worth it.  I'm hoping some change will come about from all of this, not just a bunch of spent money.

A huge political bug to me right now is based off the freedom of religion.  I really want to hit the people upside the face who want to push around other people and call it their freedom of religion.  Since when did freedom of religion seem to become simply freedom of Christianity?  When did we start feeling that if it wasn't a Christian moral, it shouldn't be allowed.  These people aren't completely base creatures - they are humans just like you and I.  Just because something is allowed by a government, doesn't mean you have to do it!  YOU don't have to go to planned parenthood, YOU don't have to be educated on safe sex, YOU don't have to have use birth control, YOU don't have to be part of the GLBT community - YOU don't have to persecute them either.  They shall get whatever commopence you think your god will dole out on those "godless" people of other faiths/no faith.  I want to hold up a sign to those Christain protestors that say: "Don't look now, but Sodom and Gamora are burning with your sins too!"  Or maybe hand them a salt packet with that on it - I'm wondering how many of them would get the reference.  FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD - the Bible.  It seems like everyone wants to have their hands in everybody elses' lives and if it doesn't conform to their standard, they have a tantrum and call them "the devil."   Why can we not be adults about these issues?  I heard of a procedure the other day that made me cringe: a uteran oblation.  This consists of boiling hot water being dumped into the uterus in order to scald the lining of the uterus.  This then creates scar tissue that doesn't cause bleeding during a peroid or allow for a pregnancy.  Somehow, I fear if our birth control rights are limited, there will be this and many at home abortions attempted.  I can't believe these people are willing to sacrifice the health and safety of other lives because they don't think something is right.  Is it right to have a starving, poorly clothed child go to bed everynight cold and hungry?  Is it right to sink our country further into debt to pay for all of these children that could have been prevented with some education (not just abortions)?  Our state was willing to sacrifice educators, the education system, and cities to balance the budget - I think a whole lot more is going to be hurting if there are more kids in need of education than there are teachers (money to hire teachers), more hungry mouths to feed on the school and governments dime, more books, more supplies, etc. etc. etc.  Oh wait, we've already cut school budgets!  Silly me.  Not to mention, these tea party nuts seem to be going after women's health and not their own.  Should a company's insurance cover vasectomies, your viagra/cialis/fill in the blank erection drugs, or anything penis related?  Because it seems like if it has ovaries attached to it, it's evil.  Are we returning to original sin punishment?  My god, the jerk who came up with that was so obsessed with his penis I'm surprise he had any time to do anything else.  Look it up - he was a horn ball and then blamed it all on women.  Sorry, we can't really help it that some of the male population lives, breathes,  and thinks with their penis.  Not to mention, if a man even felt a tiny portion of the pain associated with a period in his manhood, he'd probably ask for some drugs too.  Not all birth control is taken for avoiding pregnancy, I was on it for about 5 years just for pain alone.  Like curl up in a ball on the floor with dry heaves, intense back pain, and unable to move...coming on suddenly and lasting for HOURS!  I don't think I should have to write a note to my insurance saying I'm going to be using this medication to this purpose; it really isn't their business and I don't think that it conforms to HIPPA. 

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