Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Babbling Babel

So tired. I have been tired since around 4 o'clock this afternoon.  EXHAUSTED is what I feel.  Attempting to stay awake is very trying.  I haven't even listened to all of Babel yet.  I got it in the mail today and I did a little happy dance with my joy face.

This is sort of what my "Joy Face" looks like - minus the facial hair
  I have to say I am a little saddened by Whispers in the Dark and Lover of the Light.  I got so used to the way they played them at the shows, that it just sounds horrible to my ears now.  I wonder if it will grow on me after a few listens.  I think I am mostly upset because I knew I loved the band and how absolutely amazing Marcus was by the video of them performing Lover of the Light in Paris in 2010.  I am up to Lover's Eyes.  I am really enjoying all of the newer songs (one's that they haven't been playing at their concerts since 2010).

I would have listened to it over and over again tonight had I not already promised to help my friend smooth the edges of sheet metal she cut into the shape of a guitar.  We filed that piece of sheet metal, with metal files, of course, until it was so smooth, it was practically back to the cutting you stage.  Filing metal makes a rather loud, awful, abrasive noise - not very conducive to taking Mumford and Sons into your soul. ugh, I can feel myself beginning to babble nonsense - like I usually do when I am tired.  Stupid laundry.  I really wish it would finish.  I left a half hour ago and it had 25 minutes left to go.  I come back, it STILL says 25 minutes.
 I feel like beating my head against the wall. 

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