Thursday, September 20, 2012

Puerto Rican Nights

Oh so sleepy.  Ok, strawberry wine doesn't make you seventeen.  It will make you very blissfully sleepy.  That might also be because I hardly slept last night.  Between not being able to get comfortable and dreaming about Puerto Rico (I was reading a travel guide before bed - they have a book museum - will be there sometime).  I CAN'T WAIT TO GO!  I'm so excited.  Yesterday was officially the beginning of my last 28 days as a 24 year old.  Yikes!  We watched some like it hot for book club tonight - Marilyn has a line about being 25!  That's a whole century!  It really makes a girl think!  Ugh - maybe that is why I had a dream about these clocks all being at different times and I couldn't decide if I was late or early...just really frustrated.  It can go with the dream where I had not one, but two horses sit on me.  It all seemed like a bit of a joke, the horses weren't hurting me, I just really wanted this thing off my chest.  The last one was about to poop/pass gas in my face, that was when I started to get pissed and really try to push it off.  Then I woke up, thank god. 

On to the update.
Relationships:  I have met some really wonderful friends recently.  I am such a lucky girl.  I also read an article about how to make friends as an adult.  It was really interesting because I have been trying so hard recently to find friends now that my school friends are no longer nearby. I've been a pretty lucky girl recently for such a recluse. 
Health:  I read an article this week that blew my mind.  It was these weird facts about the human body like:  for every pound of fat you gain, your body creates 7 additional  miles of blood vessels.  When you lose weight, your body just reabsorbs all those extra miles of blood vessels.  So far, my body has reabsorbed about 105 miles of blood vessels.  That is just a crazy number to think of in terms of your body.
Career:  Well, I did get us a meaningful use attestation.  Hello bank roll!  I also get my Puerto Rican vacation hours paid.  Oh yeah, life is sweet!  Is it October 12th yet?  Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico!  Sometimes I wish that wishes really did come true:  I'd be married to Prince William, live in a croft in Scotland, and be a successful writer/everything else under the sun that I've ever wished I could be.  Hmmm, if only.  I'll just wish that the days up to Puerto Rico go fast and the days in Puerto Rico are epically long and sweet.

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