Thursday, October 22, 2015

Believe in You

Health:  Since turning 28, my body is achy all over.  I've spent a lot of time standing on cement this week.  I also had boxes fall on my head twice this week...and I broke my glasses (yay Monday).  Today, I came home and limped my way to the shower.  A fifteen minute shower helped all my tight and achy muscles relax.  I'm so sore.  I managed 15 minutes of yoga before bed last night and the stretching felt SO good. 

Relationships:  Still - hoping and praying my hubby and puppies can be reunited with me soon. I also had some family up to visit this weekend.  It was great to come home from the I Still Do event and see them.  I was really excited to hook them up with Herbsmith and show them the products that we sell.  I am excited about them getting some good stuff for their Friesians.

Career:  Sometimes I question things, but I don't want to give up on myself.  I will keep trying and trying and giving it my best.  I want to help make a difference in the lives of people I know and don't know.  I can't give up on me and my dreams :)

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