Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thirsty Thursday Inspiration

Health:  I can honestly say that I have not been super consistent when it comes to working out or eating healthy.  I confessed that last week.  I've been taking baby steps towards a healthier lifestyle, I just need to keep pressing on in the direction that I want to go; because I'm worth it!  Tomorrow morning I'm waking up early to make some chocolate Shakeology brownies to take into work for my birthday treat.  That still gets's my birthday and I have to bring a treat for you to enjoy?!?  I thought I was the treat and you are all blessed to have my company.  Lol :) I'm sure my sister that my company was a treat when I came dancing into the room this morning and woke her up.    Anyways, I do have a small victory to share.  So even though I was feeling pretty defeated last week, I ran out of pants (that fit) and hit the pants that are patiently waiting for me to fit in them again.  I had one pair of skinny jeans that never fit me, but my mother-in-law left for me.  I figured, what the heck, I'll try them on...they FIT!  Happy dance :) 

I tried a new recipe this morning.  I ran out of chocolate shakeology (my friend lent me two scoops so I can make the brownies...she's the best) so I have been using my vanilla.  I added some water, vanilla shakeology, a pinch or so of coconut flake, coconut milk, almond extract and banana - it's my new favorite.

Relationship:  I'm trying to learn patience, but I want everything to happen now so I can have my family beside me.

Career:  I am really enjoying learning about all of our products and different things, like quality control.  I still love my science of swab testing.  I feel so smart and sciency :)  I also feel really blessed to have Beach Body team weekly meetings.  They are so inspiring.  I'm seriously feeling like going out and kicking butt after nearly a whole week of progressively worse things happening and feeling blue. Year 28 is ready to commence :)

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