Sunday, October 18, 2015

I Still Do

So I seriously had one of those weeks last week, where every thing seemed to go wrong. Saturday though, changed it all.  It was an amazing day.  It was my birthday and I spent it at the I Still Do event that my church, Real Hope, had on simulcast.  It was exactly what I needed.  I left feeling recharged, positive, hopeful, and more in love then ever before.  My husband wasn't able to attend with me since he's still in Puerto Rico; however, I just bought the digital pass so he can view it when he wants.  I can honestly say that the event was totally worth it.  I bought a couple books too; but, like that would be a huge shock to anyone.  It was so worth the 8 hours spent, mostly listening to speakers talk about marriage and commitment and the Biblical truths about the two.  I highly recommend any and every married couple attend one of these events.  Best thing watched in the longest time and it was just what I needed.  God spoke several truths to my heart and I'll cherish that day forever.

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