Thursday, October 8, 2015

Get Back Into Gear!

Wow.  It has been a while again.  Last weekend, I was house sitting out in the country and there was no Internet!  Yikes.  It's ok, I'm a semi-Luddite. You could lock me in a cabin with no computer, cell phone, or Internet, and I'd be long as I had books and paper to write :) 

Health:  I have been horrible lately.  I have been giving into every craving lately :(  Every day I do so well and then BAM.  I'm down the rabbit trail and then I'm saying:  "I'll start new tomorrow."  And then tomorrow I give in too.  I think I really need to start planning more.  I also need to get into a situation that I can control food around me better.  While I was house sitting, they had dishes of Three Musketeers sitting around and you know I started popping those.  Yesterday, I did so well until I got home from work, super hungry; I looked in the fridge and there was nothing healthy to eat and then I looked over at the pizza sitting on the table - you know it, I went in and had 3 slices.  I'm such an emotional eater too.  And the thing is, I will recognize it as emotion eating and still give in!  My workouts have been about the same too.  I have been trying to get up in the morning and get yoga in before work, but 5am is so freaking early.  I've only managed to get a full hour in before work once.  That was also the first full day we spent rearranging stuff at work.  The last two weeks have been a lot of heavy lifting and moving, so by the time I get home I am exhausted and working out is like the last thing that I want to do.  So this is me being accountable.  I need a kick in the butt and get motivated again.

Relationships:  I miss my husband.  I want him here now.  I also want my dogs here.  I miss them all so much.  I miss my little family!  I just need a house to buy or a place to rent that allows three pits.

Career: I really love the products my new job puts out.  All of our formulas can work for dogs, cats, and even humans.  We human grade herbs and products in the supplements we make for animals.  I don't know about you, but I totally think that my dogs are worth it.  I may even get some microflora plus for me too!  It's better than most human probiotics on the market - it's got probiotics, prebiotics (that feed the probiotics), and digestive enzymes that help your stomach process your food, and herbs for healthy digestion.  You can buy our formulas at many retailers, even online.

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