This weekend my aunt and I went exploring our local thrift store - I got two glass mugs (perfect for hot toddies or hot chocolate) and a wine glass for storing my q-tips. It sounds a bit odd, but it works! Kind of like these ones...only a shorter stem. I also ended up getting a few games there - Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, and Disney Trivia. I'm really excited about the Disney game...maybe that makes me a little sad....maybe that makes me SUPER COOL (I'd like to think the latter). The Trivial Pursuit ended up being so old that my parents hardly recognized the actors in the Pop Culture section (try Olivia de Havilland
- I know who she is because she's in my fav. movie, but I had no idea she had a sister actress let alone what a sister actress was!). We ended up getting everyone to play (except my one sour puss brother) and it was amazing the learning as well as the fun that was occurring. Having to take words from a card and then think about how to convey that in pictures to someone else really made my ESL (English as a Second Language) siblings have to think and comprehend words in order for them to draw them. I think this might
We might have to implement family game night more often!
Anyways, I think I have managed to pick up whatever bug one of the kids has been walking around with - fever, cough, sniffles. I have a horrendous headache right now and would very much like to not have it. This coupled with the first snow of the season has left me a little - bluafh;awoieu. Yes, that is a literal term - it's meaning is general and broad...encompassing anything you'd like to throw into the mix. As I ran through the sheets of rain this morning, I wasn't planning on having to scrape off my car at lunch. This weather in Wisconsin can be so flighty.
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