Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stalk What You Love

There is something so refreshing about stalking.  Yes, I said it: STALKING.  I haven't done it lately, but I love finding every youtube video with Mumford and Sons in it.  I am obsessed.  I can't believe it has been over a year since I have seen them.  I started out just youtubing the heck out of the band.  I couldn't get enough.  This song, Lover of the Light, was honestly the reason I fell in love with them...and furthermore, Marcus.  There is something so incredibly powerful and vulnerable in his performance of this song.

After I bought the MP3s, the Deluxe CD, and even 2 of their LPs - I kind of lost track of stalking them via Youtube.  Well, I am back at it and boy do I have a plethora of new songs to watch now that they have been touring and are about to put out a new record. So enjoy...maybe you'll go stalk your favorite band and find out what they have been up to lately!


It's sad, but I just thought about how much my former lingustics professor would geek out at the use of youtubing as a verb...kind of like he did over facebook being used as a verb!

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