Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fear and Self Loathing

So today I was confronted by this cute little old man as the "single one."  As if it were some horrible sin that I should be single.  Today was bad enough to begin with.  There is a line from a song I love and it goes like this: "Darkness is a harsh term don't you think, and yet it dominates the things I see."  Today was one of those days were everything was a shade of black.  I don't know if listening to all the depression and issues in Eat, Pray, Love is getting to me, but I was not a happy person this morning.  I hated life, I hated my job, and most of all - I hated myself.  The pretty, but can't quite be beautiful girl that is too clever for her own good and somehow completely unlovable and easily forgettable.  I kept pushing those things from my mind but pop, pop, pop - up they'd come again.  Like mental vomit - I honestly felt sick.  This single comment added to it - failure me still can't get a man!  What a pity for someone as cute as me to be single.  The "Daily Challenge" that popped into my inbox the other day was to genuinely compliment someone - I scoffed as I thought, I can't honestly compliment myself about anything. What can I do right?!?  I'm just the ugly, unrefined, unmarried, and unaccomplished.  Am I just afraid of me - fearful of accepting myself? 

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