Friday, November 18, 2011

It's getting hot in here!

It's kind of funny (not really) how fast a dark mood can set in on you and then dissipate. I went to bed Wednesday with the thought: "I'm just going to wash today off my skin and go on with life." The next morning I woke up and was perfectly content.

So my book club was last night. Only one person showed up. Oh well! It was still fun and I wouldn't have picked a better person to spend the night with - we picked The Book Thief as our first book. I'm excited and the next one should bring 2 more people to our group.

I've been working out and using the posture pump this week. Posture pump is a contraption that helps put the curve back into your neck. The cervical section of my spine goes in the other direction! The addition of a humidifier to my room at night has made and extreme difference in my health as well. I'm still hotter than hot at night. It stays 74 in my apartment at all times (I don't even have my heat on!!!!). I have consistently woken up around 4am every morning just to open my window because I am so hot. I am about ready to walk downstairs and tell the guys that live below me that they at least need to turn down their heat at night. I didn't even sleep under the covers last night in my light pajamas and I still had to wake up and open a window!


  1. Can I join your book club via SKYPE? Maybe???

  2. Stupid thing won't let me post on my own blog >.< Anyways, I'd love to say yes, but I don't have internet or a compy that will really run skype. Hopefully there will be two more people at group this week though.
