Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Beautiful She Looked

This last week kept me busy - work and migraines and holidays...oh my!

I haven't really watched all that many movies recently either.  I went back and I watched some bad Nick Cage movie and 13 Going on 30. I read a lot this week too - my book group (aka me) picked a 500 some paged book to read in 2 weeks (with a holiday in between). 

I have to say my favorite thing I got to watch this week was my grandma.  Everyone had left and it was just her and I and the dog sitting and reading.  Boys had headed into the woods, kids went to stores and aunt's places, and grandpa went out to through tools around in the garage...we got the house to ourselves.  She eventually tired and began to snore in her chair.  Her hands twitched with little movements and she breathed in and out through her mouth until she'd suddenly inhale through her nose and blow a noisy puff from between her lips.  Her book hung delicately on her chest as she continued to inhale and exhale.  The sleeping dog on the floor began to mimic her motions as his legs began to twitch with his dream world.  I sat silently, with a book in my lap and tears streaming down my face.  I thought about how beautiful she was and how much I'm going to miss her, how that stupid cancer is riddling its way through her body and 4 of her organs, and how much I wish I was still tiny enough to crawl into her lap and rock like I used to.

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