Wednesday, February 29, 2012

RBIs Hormones

So this is pretty much becoming a common theme for me.

I feel really bad for Ryan Braun.  I find it absolutely hilarious that our government allows growth hormone pumped into our foods, but God forbid the league have a guy use it to increase his playing skills.  Heck, maybe Ryan Braun just ate a steak that was full of hormones - thanks FDA for saying it has "no significant" effect on our bodies.  It's completely ok for the population to drink synthetic estrogen from our waterbottles and from the tap (since synthetic estrogen never breaks down) and we can eat it in our food, but Lord forbid you take it with a purpose. I'm not saying he did or he didn't or condoning drug alterations to your body for sports prowess; I just don't get the double standard! 

I read the big article in Sports Illustrated today about him getting off on a technicality.  PEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH BIGGER CRIMES THAN TAKING DRUGS (i.e. MURDER) ON A TECHNICALITY!!!!!!!!!!!  People need to get over it and "the grey area" - his sample didn't follow procedure and it should have been thrown out anyway.  I defend his right to keep his reasons to himself - this is America, you can say what you want when you want, or you can keep your mouth shut.  Hell, what if Ryan is actually a transgender girl taking testosterone to make her a man - doctors give it to people going through sex changes all the time.  It could happen and I have a feeling we may be running into more and more of that down the line - more and more people are freely choosing which gender they want to be identified by and is the league going to ban transgender players because they have been taking testosterone supplements?!?

In the end, I say: You go Ryan Braun!  I'll still be in the stands cheering for you and all the other Brewers! Congrats on overturning the results and your 50 game suspension.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Help! The Friend Zone

Well I got computer blocked by my 9 year old brother and my father last night.  Both had both of our computers occupied.  So I went home and listened to The Help and did my budget. 

I'm testing out a slow cooker recipe that I came up with.  Thinking about plopping some peppers, rice, and chicken coated in Greek yogurt and cinnamon.  My mouth is watering like crazy already. 

I just started flipping channels and found "Friend Zone." Hahahaha...this is such a funny show.  It's so awkward.  It's something that definitely sucks.   This show makes me LOL...and yes, I feel like my IQ just dropped several points.
hahaha - funny!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breaking 50/50

Tonight is the night to celebrate movies.  After finishing my taxes and cleaning up my place...oh yeah, it is Oscar time.  Two movies I watched recently: 50/50 and Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1. 

Breaking Dawn kind of sucked.  The only thing I came away with at the end in the world did they make her so emaciatedly thin?  I also thought they spent way to much time on the "honeymoon" part the story. 

50/50 was really cute.  Super predictable though.  I pretty much called it at the beginning exactly what was going to happen.  Despite the predictability, I cried.  I love Joseph Gordon Levitt, so I automatically have to recommend this movie.  It really makes you think about life and how hard it is for everyone around the person who is ill to coupe with the information and all the suffering they have to see their loved one go through.

*Weird link between the two movies - the shrink in 50/50 is the girl who plays, I think, Jessica, in Breaking Dawn.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


IT'S THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Relationships: No man...still.

Health: Yoga is still kicking my butt 2 days later. My thighs still bad that sitting and standing are difficult.

Career: I think my opening phrase sums that up.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Yoga Legs

I am coining the term "yoga legs" for that jiggly, "I can't walk down the stairs" feeling your legs have after a yoga class.  Last night, my legs were toast.  We did pigeons again and OUCH.  I am beginning to switch from the type of person who would feed the dang birds to absolutely hating them.  Or maybe just the person who decided - I am going to make a crazy pose inspired by that bird.  At least pigeons are still better than crows.

I have been faced with a rather difficult decision lately.  I don't know what to think about it or what actions to take.  To move or not to move?  I'm still not sure how to approach this situation.

Monday, February 20, 2012


So I watched some good movies.  And some weird ones.

One, 7 Days in Utopia, ended with a website to visit.  This website,, was such a let down.  Other than having the beautiful Lucas Black in it and being able to shout "FLASH!" at the screen at random intervals with my was kind of sad.  It was cutesy, but kind of blah.  There is a started relationship that goes no where...and even at didhemakethe, you can't really find out unless you listen to the 7 and a half minute ramble of the guy reading his book.  If it was Lucas Black with his hot accent...I probably would have stuck around long enough to figure it out...but no.

We then watched What's Your Number.  It was a cute movie with a cute message - choose the guy you can be yourself around.  My love of Joel Mchale has been complicated by the grossness of his character and yet the hotness of him.  Anna Faris is so adorable in this movie...part train wreck and part every thing you wish you could be. 

PLL (Pretty Little Liars) rocked my world tonight.  While I do like Toby, I LOVE Wren.  Go Spencer!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Weekend Out

Relationships: I am having a girls weekend filled with lots of shopping and good food. :D

Health: started food journal again.

Career: I am taking a longer lunch to finish PPL that I missed on Monday night. :D

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Sick

What to say...what to say?

Being sick sucks. Valentine's Day is meh. And I am so excited it is nearly the weekend!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Park Vows

So I totally forgot on Sunday to write about going and seeing The Vow on Friday night with my sister.  I'll spare a large explanation because I am assuming the majority of us have been bombarded with the preview - it is only Valentine's Day and The Vow is supposed to be romantic. It is about a couple that gets into an accident and the wife forgets her husband.  In fact, she forgets all of her life right up until the point where she breaks off all ties with her family.  The whole rest of the movie is the couple trying to work things back out.  I would not say this movie is very romantic.  It isn't like Never Been Kissed, where you have that happy, almost giddy, feeling by the end.  Nope, you just kind of feel depressed.  Not One Day depressed and not Never Been Kissed happy.    Lost in the middle.

I did finish reading Mansfield Park this weekend.  It was a really good story.  I'm happy I listened to it instead of reading it - I love Austen, but I tend to only fall asleep on her novels.  While there is supposed to be a theory about retention when you sleep on your books, it just isn't any fun explaining away the drool stains later on :D  Fanny is a deeply shy and proper girl - taken in and raised by her wealthy relatives, falls for a man she can't have, is forced upon another man whom she does not like, must stand by and watch and listen as her love tells her all about his love, gets sent to live with her family again, get accepted back at the park when tragedy strikes the family...and as all Austen goes, she gets what she truly deserves in the end.

I haven't tried anything new recently.  I had a very awkward doctor the other day who had a piece of hair sticking up and out of place.  He also asked me not to breath at all as he looked up my nose and down my throat.  He did look like Ben Lovette though - that did rather help me stifle my giggles about the almost Alfalfa like spike of hair he had sticking up.

And since it is Valentine's Day, I'll finish with True Love :D

Sunday, February 12, 2012

"She's a Witch!"

My mother is currently in the other room telling every one that I like celebrities so I don't have to deal with real men. Excuse me, the last time she shoved me at a guy, I was used and tossed to the side because I wasn't "marriage material." I was effing 18. Guess he wasn't really ready for too much either since he started dating a 15 year old after that. Yes - I find celebrities sexy. Why not?!? I'm never going to meet them. The closest I've come to meeting one of my celebrity crushes was when Marcus Mumford walked within 3 feet of me in Paris. I guess I don't deal with real men because none of them would ever be the one she would pick for me. No - his picture is just stuck to the fridge screaming: "Hey you failure, since you can't seem to do this yourself: here's a nice guy I'd like you to marry."

I'd prefer to take my chances on meeting Marcus Mumford/Prince Harry/Colin Firth/Johnny Lee Miller on a full moon in Paris next to a fountain and falling in love at first sight.

Anyways, to talk about movies. My friend Kaleigh and I watched The Black Death last night. We haven't seen each other in like a year. Our weird history major selves were so enjoying the terribleness of this movie. I miss my friends who talk to the screen like me :D I so love it. For example: "Where did that guy's shirt go? Why the heck doesn't the old man have a shirt? TESTICLES - omg, there was just a dead body and all I saw was testicles. Ugh, I missed it. 'Take off your clothes' - hahaha...poor monk. Dude, she's a witch! Oh man, she's totally dead. AHHHHHH - she's ALIVE! That guy so creeps me out - ewe, he just bit into that guy's jugular. I so want him to die. I can't wait until he dies. Oh no, they are going to draw and quarter him!!!!! Why does that guy STILL not have a shirt?"

Ok, the movie is about a monk who is in love. He sends his love out to the woods and wants to try to meet up with her later. He goes back to the monastery and prays for a sign. That exact moment, a group of messengers/knights/torturers show up and ask for a guide to the place where his woman awaits him. The knights are on a different mission than they had originally stated: they are chasing down a necromancer in a village that hasn't been hit by the plague. They come to the village, after being attacked by a group of savage forest dwellers (they apparently killed the monks love as all was to be found was her bloody cloak and her horse) and wading through a marshy wetland. The main villager is a woman - she treats their wounds. She's a little crazy and drama ensues. All of the men are tested in their faith - one in a rather shocking way. Then, end of movie.

It wasn't the greatest, it wasn't the worst. The previews up to it were almost more interesting than the movie. There is apparently a movie called "Rubber" that was made by the same movie company - it is about a murdering tire. No joke. I kind of want to watch it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

That Third Eye Isn't THAT Significant of an Effect

I honestly thought this was strawberry ice cream when I first saw it - ick!
So most of us, if not all of us, were disturbed last week with the images of the meat product that is found in McDonalds and other places that sell "meat stuff" as food. Is it any wonder that Americans and Western societies are dealing with obesity when we eat such processed foods that our bodies only get something to fill our stomachs with and toxins? Even eating fruits and vegetables can be scary now with genetically modified foods that can do harm to you, not only the environment. I'm really shocked by how our government wants to educate us and get us fit, our insurance companies want to jip us out of health care if we're "fat" (aka: our BMIs aren't in the generic/preset ranges dictated to be "healthy"), and the food companies are handing money into the governments hands to say: hey, that stuff does nothing "significant" to your body. I'd say that hormones in our meats and dairy is having a SIGNIFICANT effect on my body if it forces me to go up several cup sizes (long after puberty) simply because I had been living in another country (where it isn't allowed) for a significant enough period of time. Maybe every girl in America (whose average breast size has risen from a B cup to a D cup) should make the government start paying for the $80 bras that "are supposed to fall apart after a year, because that's when you should replace them" (as told to me by a Victoria Secret associate upon my complaining that my bra was ripping down the center and it wasn't even a year old yet).

I guess all I can say is: Go Jaime Oliver and the food revolution.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Getting Involved

Ugh - I have not slept well the last few nights. Bad dreams and stress have kept me from getting a few hours (heck, even a few minutes) from tossing and turning. My car got backed into yesterday and things have only gotten more stressful.

I think tonight I might try going to a city council meeting. If there is anything that needs to really be tested today - is people's knowledge of their council members. You'd be surprised about how much could probably be helped with all of our country if our local governments were better. Lots of city council member have their seats because no one ever runs against them.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hemrrhoids Park

I haven't gotten a whole lot finished in the literature department.  I started two books/am finishing up a few.  I am working on Napoleon's Hemrrhoids by Phil Mason and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen.

Napoleon's Hemrrhoids is a funny group of historical events that could have been different if small different things had or hadn't occurred.  The title is from the fact that Napoleon had a flair up of his hemrrhoids on the day of the Battle of Waterloo. 

I am also starting to listen to Mansfield Park.  I love the movie, but it is nice to hear the story the way Jane wrote it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So I'm not really sure how I missed this movie when I went through my Johnny Lee Miller phase, but this chance movie yesterday was PRICELESS.  I was not feeling well.  Sitting around in my bathrobe, drinking tea, and channel flipping.  I started watching this movie called Mindhunters.  I totally love Criminal Minds and profiling, so I had to watch it.  I was happy to see Johnny Lee Miller, Val Kilmer, Christian Slater (who can forget Heathers) and LL Cool J amongst the cast members.

The movie is a group of profilers in training.  They are going to an abandoned island to test their skills.  They are going to be stuck on the island for 3 days and in that time they have to discover the "murder" on the island and come up with a profile of the killer.  Things start going very wrong when one by one...sometimes more than one at a time, their team starts to be killed off.  The killer pits them against each other, confusing them into thinking it is other members in the group based on their skills.  He kills them off based on their weaknesses. He hadn't planned on the addition of an outside cop (LL Cool J) working with the group, but he works around this small inconvenience.  The killer has set traps for all the profilers; however, he hasn't suspected that one of them might set a trap for him!

It is a very good movie and definitely worth a watch.  I think I might have to buy this one - it's that good!  Who'd have thunk that a chance channel flipping while feeling crummy would come up with such a good flick.  One of the creepiest lines: "Your other me."  Duh Duh Duh.  Now, you must watch :D