Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Did you find that on Craigslist?

So this last weekend I tested out using Craigslist.  I posted my bookcases, love seats, and now my books.  The books still have yet to go, so if you have a soft spot for books, check them out!  My bookcases were gone by the next day and I'm hopefully going to get my love seats sold this week.  I have someone interested that will pick them up sometime tomorrow or Thursday.  The process is relatively easy to do and, in some cases, quick.  I think I may have to take my books, one suitcase at a time, into Madison's Half-Price Books (It's going to be a sad day, but then I remember that they are just things and my future husband is worth so much more than 250+ books that I can probably find in a library, electronic or hard copy).   I am keeping a few books that are special to me because they are favorites, were given to me by someone special, or they hold a special memory.  Anyways, this is about Craigslist.  There are going to people that will try and low-ball you.  Hold out for someone that is willing to offer you the price you asked.  I'd say if it has been a week or more with no interest, than think about changing your price.  Overall, it is an easy way to sell your stuff.  PST: I had my large and scary dad stop over at just the time the first person came to pick up the bookcases; it's a good idea to have at least one other person with you and several people who know that someone from Craigslist is stopping by to pick stuff up.

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