Monday, February 17, 2014

The Wise Man's Fear

I am currently wrapped up in Kvothe and The Wise Man's Fear.  It is an excellent book.   An excellently LONG book, as well.  I am on page 675 and still have over 300 pages to go.  Is it worth it, yes.  Yes it SO is worth it.  It has been called "the book of the year."  It is an excellent book that is the chronicling of Kvothe's life.  He is someone with a very interesting history: filled with hardships, evil, fairies, "magics," music, death, love, and always surprises!  Worth the lengthy read since this is book 2 of the series and book one is nearly as long.   Also, book 2 is apparently going to leave me in eager anticipation of the yet to be released book 3!  I have to give the book high marks too; the author, Patrick Rothfuss, is from my dad's Alma Mater (UW-Stevens Point).  It could have a high rank easily on awesome story quality alone though.  Read and enjoy my friends! I am going to get back to reading myself. :)

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