Thursday, February 13, 2014


Health:  I am just about 2 pounds away from reaching 40 pounds lost!  I got to try some new yoga: aerial!  It was so much fun!  It was also really intense. It worked all your muscles hard and was fun while you did it!  I did leave with the souvenir of bruises in my armpits and on the back of my knees.  It was pretty amazing to feel floor poses with the addition of the silks.  There were some times when it would be like: "oh, that's how that is supposed to feel.  That is AWESOME!"

Relationships: Exciting news!  I got engaged and am planning on getting married this summer.  My family is marriage shy after my sister's marriage went sour.  So no one seems to be happy for me, only full of reservations.  My family is oh so very "we'll talk about it behind closed doors to everyone but you."   Then my brother called to tell me not to get married, just move in with him for a year; be around him and get to know him more than phone calls and brief visits.  This I know would infuriate my mother.  So I am getting go slow and live like a married couple, just don't actually sign the piece of paper.  All I can say to that is, my sister's husband was someone she was around constantly before she married him; it still went bad.  I really appreciate that he's the one that has the guts to say what everyone has been thinking and wanting to say.  It took a lot of guts to say something against what he knows I want, but thinks is in my best interest.  

Career:  I am really excited into looking into travel writing as a career.  It combines all the things I love; it would be the perfect job for me!

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