Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Loco for Coco

So I'm not really a beauty expert or anything.  My "face" is basically mascara (sometimes eyeliner) and some lip balm.  Recently though, I've had people stop me and ask me "my secret."

First: "You're never fully dressed without a smile." Little Orphan Annie was so right on that account.  Smile from ear to ear and no one will care what is on your face or what clothes you are wearing.  It's also infectious, and who doesn't like to smile?  Share your joy and passions through a smile and everyone can see your genuine beauty.

Secondly: Coconut oil.  This stuff will change your life!  Every morning I take a big spoonful, add a drop of peppermint essential oil on it, and then swish that stuff around in my mouth for about 20 minutes.  My mouth always feels "just from the dentist" clean.  The added peppermint is a breath freshening bonus. I tongue scrape and brush and voila, you are ready to dazzle everyone with a beautiful smile. I also like to melt a little and oil myself up BEFORE every shower.  That helps keep all the moisture in your hair and skin and you don't have to try so hard to replace that stripped moisture after your shower.  There are so many medical benefits from the stuff, I can't even begin to expound upon enough: anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, moisturizing, helps with cell rejuvenation, has some sun block protection, can be good for weight loss, etc.
Until recently, I'd still been using wipes and soaps on my face. I have horribly large pores and I've always wanted to shrink them down to nothing. I recently purchased a facial brush that was on clearance, because hey, I always wanted one.  I used that with strips and face washes.  It was working, pores were shrinking, my skin looked awesome.  Then one day, I decided to just put coconut oil on my face and use it.  YES!  My pores shrink, my skin glows, my skin feels baby butt smooth, and my face is washed and moisturized in one easy step (plus, I've got my sunscreen on with it too)!  Plus, the best thing about it, coconut oil removes eye makeup so easily! Or if you have a little boo boo with eyeliner or mascara (I almost always do), just rub a little on the end of a q-tip and erase away the oops!

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