Friday, August 21, 2015

What's Your Stone

Favorite Song(s) of the week:
Let it Grow - Clapton
Cheerleader - Omi
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
Believe - Mumford and Sons
Strawberry Fields - Beatles
Fight Song -Rachel Platten
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift (usually I don't like her, but this song gets to me)

Favorite Quote(s) of the week:
"I may only have one match, but I can make an explosion." - Fight Song
"Learn, Love, Grow, Explore, Adventure." - Personal Statement
"What's my stone?" - Kathy Lee Giffords tribute to her husband
"Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear." - Tony Robbins
"I'm so proud of you." - My husband to me :)

Favorite thing done this week:
Making my vision board, doing art, and starting a new job as a LifeStyle and Wellness Coach

Favorite show/movie of week:
I watched a few Friends episodes with my aunt this week and remembered how that show is so hilarious.

Favorite thing read:
How the Scots Invented the Modern World by Arthur Herman

Favorite event:
Team Meeting last night.  It was so inspirational and full of hope!

Most inspired moment:
Again, last nights team meeting was powerful.
And also, Kathy Lee Giffords tribute to her husband, Frank.  Makes you want to get up and do some good!

Thought(s)/Epiphany (ies) of the week:
I can do this! 
Life is so full of potential at all moments.  You can choose to see it or ignore it.

Weirdest dream:
I have a lot of weird dreams.  Like, a LOT!  I'm sure not many people have dreamt about being a rat or having a conversation with Walt Whitman.  I'll usually have something good, but nothing this week.  Watch, tonight I'll have a crazy dream!

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