Monday, August 31, 2015

Mudras, Pajamas, and Fools (Oh My)

Yup; that's me!  I did a video the other day and posted it on YouTube.  I was super scared and nervous, but excited to share what I knew about changing your posture in just a few minutes a day. All stuff you can do while in your pajamas.  Hence, the title and my awesome wardrobe choice.

I didn't post yesterday because I was on a very long bus ride back to Wisconsin.  And as noted, it's not possible to post a blog from an iPhone. Out of all the things you can do, you can't do that.

Instead, I started reading about mudras in Mudras: Yoga in your Hands by Gertrude Hirschi and another book, called Fools Rush In: An April Fools Day Anthology. They are both very interesting and I plan on posting the mudras that I have been practicing from the book. 

I'm not even through the first story in the Fools Rush In book, but I like it already.  The first story is about a teenage nerd that get courted by the popular cute guy and ends up getting hurt in one of those horrible public ways.  It keeps alluding to what happened, but it hasn't actually said yet. It's 12 years later, and Alex (the nerd girl) is putting her life back together and running her own floral shop.  She begins planning the wedding flowers for a local celebrity; one day, Beck (hot, popular betrayer) walks in with said celebrity client.  It turns out he's the brother of the celebrity lady. I'm really interested to see what else happens.  This is the point where my bus pulled up to the stop.  I'll keep you updated.

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