So I started reading that book on mudras and I quick checked out the mudra for dealing with aggression. It was interesting to read "[m]ost aggression is based on not being able to say 'no,' not being able to set boundaries, letting oneself be driven into a corner, etc. The basic evil is fear (Mudras: Yoga in your Hands, 82)." To relieve this tension and the build up of aggression, you can make a mudra of a fist (Mushti Mudra). You make a fist; curling in your fingers in and place your thumb on your ring finger. Make the mudra with both hands, sit comfortably, consciously breath in and out, and repeat this affirmation: "I am quite and serene in every situation." Hold this mudra and affirmation for as long as needed or up to three times a day for 15 minutes.
When I tested this mudra, I was amazed. I felt tension leave my body, my breath even out, and I began to feel positive again. I know I should incorporate this one into my daily practice as I have been topsy-turvied and feel like I have no boundaries and am incapable of making decisions on my own without other trying to change my mind. I've always like mudras and I'm excited to see what more I can learn and discover about myself through reading this book and practicing.

Another thing I tested this week was bacon. Yes, that delicious, better than anything on the planet, substance. I found uncured bacon the other day at Aldi and I just had to give it a shot. It had just 5 ingredients (which means it's clean eating approved) and it's uncured. I've never really been a fan of turkey bacon, what seems to always be suggested in place of regular bacon. It's not because of taste, texture, etc; more the fact that it's almost more processed that bacon. And isn't that the whole reason we're trying to take it out of our diet - high process meat with lots of additives. This bacon is made of: pork, water, sea salt, evaporated cane sugar, and celery powder.
Anyways, the bacon was glorious; just look.
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