Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Busy, Happy, Busy

Wow.  The last couple of days have gotten away from me and I was in bed before I realized that I hadn't blogged at all.

So Monday, my friends invited me over for "Kid Day."  It was the best thing to ever be invented!  We played toilet brush hockey, slip'n'slide, twister, lava tag, and Pirate's dice.  I will admit, there was a ton of crap food and I indulged.  There were tater tots, corn dogs, fruit gushers, dirt cups, Doritos; I did it all.  I'm not really proud of the way I ate (and I'm pretty sure it made me full on open to the binge I had yesterday) and I never want to eat that way again.  It's not that I'm really ashamed or that it was bad; I just know that those foods aren't good for my body.  And after knowing a lot of additives and fake sugars have effects on the brain; I don't want to risk it.  I want my body and mind to both last me through many years of adventure... so I can still play twister when I'm 65 :)  You know I'll be trying it. After I got home, I passed out on the couch.  I woke up in enough time to watch Honey, I Shrunk the Kids with my sister. Then, I passed out again!

Yesterday, I had one of my first interviews.  I'm kind of glad I had this intimidating interview to start.  It lasted 5 minutes, the interviewer read off a list of questions, and said: "we'll be in touch."  That pretty much motivated me to go out and apply like crazy.  And that I have. I have spend at least 6 hours these last two days just looking at job listings and applying.  When I talked to my husband last night, we talked over the interview questions.  I felt a whole lot more confident about answering any questions that might come up in an interview.  I had been really excited to talk to my husband; he'd been sick all weekend with the flu and spent most of his time in bed sleeping; so there wasn't really a time we could connect.  So it was so amazing to finally have a nice long talk. So amazing :)

Today, I had a nice long "to-do" list.  I managed to get some Cize time in before having to leave for my interview.  It was probably the best decision I made.  I got pumped and confident; I just felt great overall. I had a great interview with some amazing people.  It was less intimidating than the 5 minute interview I had; and I was there for about an hour.  It was just so easy to talk to these people.  I came home, applied for some more job for about 3 hours. 

So see, I don't have it all together all the time.  I occasionally have massive weak moments where I eat sandwich cookies covered with nutella and giant chocolate bars.  But every day that I wake up; I hope to be a little better than I was yesterday.  I hope to make better decisions about food and an active lifestyle every day.  I want a brain to keep on learning for as long as my body will last, God willing.

I'm excited that starting next week, there is a coaching preview.  If you are interested in what I do as a coach, let me know. There's a group starting that gives you insight into how coaching can change your life for the better. Comment with your email and I'll get you set up to see how coaching can start changing your life and the lives of those around you.

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