Wednesday, September 2, 2015


So my head has been full of a lot of negative self-talk...for a while.  So instead of using "Say What? Wednesday" to rant, I'm going to try and use words to build up as much as possible.

My own mind is full of a lot of negative self-talk.  I'm not good enough.  I'm so stupid. I can't take care of myself.  I'm not worthy enough to be loved. It's all my fault.  Etc.

I included affirmations on my motivation calendars
I've been trying to turn this negative self-talk around with affirmations.  I really liked the fist mudra I posted about yesterday and the affirmation that came with it: "I am calm and serene in every situation." Other affirmations I'm working on are: "I am powerful." "I am love and loved." "I am intelligent." "I am good enough." "I am taken care of." I haven't done too much with the affirmations yet, but I have noticed how much better I feel, even if I just say: "I am calm and serene in every situation." I think this is a valuable method of fighting the plague of negative self-talk that I've had (and I'm sure everyone has experienced it) since I was a teenager. In order to stop the negative, I have to make it a habit to combat negative thoughts with positive ones; EACH AND EVERY TIME! Consistency is key.  And if my thoughts can make me feel like crap, they can also make me feel FANTASTIC!

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