Thursday, September 10, 2015

Combat the Negativity

I've been seeing quite a bit of negative self-talk in my Facebook news feed lately. We all struggle with those voices that try and say we aren't good enough. If you are struggling today, or not (you tend to know the negative things that get drug up to the surface when you are struggling) take a second to write down a positive that counter-acts the negative.
Here are some of mine:
I am beautiful; inside and out.
I am love and loved....
I am powerful.
I am smart.
I am worthy of all good things.
I am strong enough to face all challenges; trials only make me stronger.
I am kind.
I am brave.
I am calm and serene in all situations.
I will boldly pursue a life of love, learning, growing, exploring, and adventure.

I hope this helps you out a bit. You can fight back against those negative voices. Drown them out with your positive ones

Health:  I had a pretty bad week eating wise.  I went balls-to-the walls crazy. I ate like a crazy person; I ate vanilla sandwich cookies with nutella! I had a bagel for dinner, with meat loaf, and peas.  It was just off the wall.  But today, I've really focused on eating clean again; I rented a book of Paleo recipes to get me focused.  And when a craving for chocolate hit, tonight I made myself a second shake.  Guilt-free superfoods to the rescue!  I've also started a new dance program and I'm loving it!  I get so sweaty and love every second on the program.

Relationships: Still smiling like a silly, love-sick girl.  I love my husband so much and I can't imagine going through this life with anyone else by my side.

Career:  I've had a lot of interviews lately.  And I'm really excited about a lot of them.  I hope I hear from them real soon.  I'm probably going to have to make myself a pros/cons list of all the jobs to help me decide which one I'd love the most.

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