I started listening to the audiobook version of
Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith while driving back and forth to interviews. It's really enlightening to some of the things that we subconsciously do because something in our environment triggers a reaction in us. A few key phrases that have stood out from the book, so far, have been: "changing a habit can be simple, but simple does not mean easy," and "Fairy tales end with 'and they lived happily ever-after' - that's why it's called a fairy tale and not a documentary." (*Please note these aren't direct quotes from the book, just the rough out-line of what I heard and took away from passages*). And if you've read any of my blog before, you know my writing skills, grammar, and spelling just go out the window when I'm tired. I've been going from interview to interview and I'm hoping it will soon pay off and I can have a good job (or 2, or 3, or 4). Anyways, that side-track was because I'm not going to be able to review this book very well in my current state; plus, I'm not finished yet! I'd highly recommend checking if your library has this in print or on audio. It's been eye-opening to some behavior things and ways to become more aware of what is happening around you that triggers an internal reaction.
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