Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Start

I am super excited to annouce that I have been employed!!! It's also part of the reason that I have not been blogging recently.  I've been trying to get into the swing of a new schedule and waking up by 5am is still a challenge.  Therefore, a lot of stuff has been pushed to the evening hours; I swear that the hours of 7-10 go by in a flash!

I am now working at Herbsmith. I'm super excited about this company.  It combines a lot of my interests: dogs, healthy living, and medicinal alternatives.  Some of these herbal blends I've already suggested to friends and family, because how amazing is it that these healing alternatives exist - and they cost about a $1 to use!  I don't know about you, but I'd spend a dollar a day to keep my dogs well and living into ripe old age. The work has been different and exciting every day; yesterday and today I was allowed to do science B)  I really enjoy who I work with and what I do.  There are days when work is done before I realize it.  I'm excited to get my dogs on some good foods and herbs! I just need to get them here first...hopefully soon.  I miss my little family.  If only I could get them and my husband here at the same time!

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