Tuesday, February 7, 2017

COOKIES and Tests

So I had the pleasure of going back for my second drug screening today.  My drug screening lapsed because my background check didn't arrive in time; thus, I was unable to start my job at the scheduled time.  So I drove 30 minutes to the clinic and submitted my second sample.  The lady that was taking my sample today was explaining the process and training someone new.  It is definitely interesting having two people stand over your pee and discuss it.  Also, incredibly awkward.

Anyways.  I had found a recipe on...you guessed it, PINTEREST! I made up a batch of Chewy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.  We took some over to a family friend.  The few we had left disappeared!  My mom immediately requested that I make some more.  It took me a few days before I finally got around to it.  This time I made a double batch.  My mom giggled, and said, "so we have enough to last us tonight." I took a plate over to a friend that is eagerly awaiting her baby's arrival; nothing like cookies to soothe that anxious soul when your baby is a week over due!  We still had plenty for our house.  The recipe is really easy to follow.  The first time I made them, I forgot to scoop the dough into balls before refrigeration.  It didn't make it impossible to scoop, but doing it before hand made it a lot easier. 


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