Thursday, February 9, 2017

Truth Time

Health: I am back up in weight.  160 again on the scale.  It is very disheartening.  This winter has been pretty darn cold and so I haven't been taking the dogs out so much.  I had to buy another headband wrap for my ears last night. That wasn't what I wanted, but it's all they had at the store and I was desperate. The night before my ears were ringing and aching, making it hard to sleep. My hats just seem to let the wind blow right through and into my ears.  Which then leads to me being sick and miserable and not wanting to take the dogs out for walks.  Trinity, when it's really cold, will do her business and book it back to the house.  It's cute, because it's how I feel about the cold.

Relationships: I'm still feeling pretty lonely.  I'm sure once I start my new job, I'll have lots of new friends and faces and I won't feel so lonely.  I probably won't mind alone time once my job comes around.  I am also thinking of starting up a book club again.  I miss it! 

Career:  I had a massive set back this last month.  I was supposed to start my new job on January 23, well now it's pushed back until March 6.  I am ridiculously bummed.  By March I was supposed to be getting health insurance and having my savings getting bolstered.  The hold-up was my background check from France.  It's honestly a piece of paper with a line through it.  Meaning I didn't do anything wrong and they blocked off the free space so nothing could be added in the blank space. The background check company responsible for finding all of my background information, I guess forgot to do the French one.  Until the company I am starting with reminded them.  Then they sent me a link to request my background check from France.  It was 19 days before I was to start training for my new job.  The request says it takes 2-3 weeks to process the request (if the form, in French, was properly filled out).  That was cutting it close!  Then, the French government doesn't email it, fax it, or overnight.  They slow posted from France.  The company gave me a few days extra (the orientation day and safety instruction days were ones I could make up at a later date, while the other training I could not); but alas, it arrived the following Monday.  I am trying not to be upset or want to sue the pants off the background company (at least for the pay for the 6 weeks of full-time work I would have had from January 23 to March 6). Now I have that background check fully submitted to the company, I retook my DOT drug screening on Tuesday, now I just need to start!

Spiritual: I joined a DGroup (discipleship group) in the Fall of 2015.  It was a great idea.  We've gone through several studies: Hebrews, Revelation, Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah.  We are starting one now, called The Truth Project.  It's a DVD lesson/book discussion study and we've only covered one lesson so far.  I was blown away by some of the things.  I never thought of prayer as walking into God's throne room and Him leaning His ear towards me. (*Mind Blown*).  Another thing that was said that hit me in the feels was: our beliefs will dictate our feelings and actions, it is faith and hope that help us overcome
our feelings (fear, anger, sadness, loneliness, etc.).  If I believe that my Almighty God has me and knows all the plans HE has for my life, then why should I fear or be upset when something like a late background check keeps me from doing what I thought I should be.  There is a plan and a purpose to all.

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