Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Yoga and Breath

I have been trying many things for my dry mouth for years.  I recently got TheraBreath to try.  It seems to help with my dry mouth, especially over night.  I feel like it could be better. Having a family history of sinus problems tends to lend itself to mouth breathing at night.  I drink water like it’s going out of style, I’ve tried oil pulling in the past (and loved it, however, I do it in the morning and my mouth tends to feel dry afterward).  I need to work swishing into my nightly and morning schedules a little better.  I’m also going to try and make oil pulling tablets (maybe make a few with turmeric) and try that.  I will report on that as soon as actually get around to doing that.  My dry mouth doesn't bother me throughout the day.  It's mostly that I wake up with the driest mouth and worst morning death breath.  My mouth has that dry, crust covered feeling.  I'm almost desperate for a drink of water as soon as I wake up.  I just know that the dry mouth can cause lots of problems for my teeth.  That, and my propensity to clench and/or grind my teeth when I am highly stressed.  I am wondering if combining tongue scraping and oil pulling prior to brushing and rinsing with TheraBreath after would help. I should probably also investigate if a Breath Right strip might help reduce my mouth breathing at night; therefore, eliminating the need to go through all of these steps.

This last week, I helped a friend move.  She was going to get rid of a wine rack (“I never keep enough wine around to fill this or make it useful, I always drink it right away!”).  I like wine, but I don’t typically collect it and keep it around.  I usually buy it with the intention to drink it soon.  I took it anyways.  When I was bringing it into the house, I was struck by my muse.  It was a little rickety, so I used our hex screw set to find the right fit and tighten up the screws.  It needs a rubber foot added to the bottom of one leg and maybe a paint job.  Those things might have to wait until summer. I might be able to do it this week since it’s been in the 50s and 60s recently.  I found a board in our scrap collection in the garage.  I set the board across the bottom rungs that hold the two opposing sides together.  On top of that, I placed my blocks, strap, towel, mat spray.  Across the rungs at the top, I set my yoga mat.  This keeps my fancy cork mat from I Love Gurus from sitting on the floor and being an open target for a dog to randomly pee on.  I placed this along the one free wall I have in my room.  The plus side is, once I take my mat off, I can easily move the rack out of the way and use the wall space for playing with handstands and other  poses with a wall prop modification.
*Funny side story: I let my Toby boy in and as I was in the bathroom, he peed on the un-cleaned up wine rack.  Figures, I want to use it so I can avoid accidents happening on my mat and he pees on it straight after coming in from peeing.  Since I’ve had it all fixed up, none of the dogs have expressed an interest in it (which is fantastic).

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