Wednesday, February 22, 2017

He spoke, and so it was


I’ve been really confronted lately with the power of my words.  In addition to this powerful 3 Minute Theology video, I have a devotional on Taming the Tongue.  Talk about CONVICTION!  I tend to be pretty nice and polite with my words, but I also have a viper’s tongue.  I can be cruel and judgmental, harsh and demanding, demeaning and proud, and a braggart and a betrayer of trusts.  It has been a desire of mine to get this out of control tongue under control.  I’ve been adding it to my morning prayers, to place a heavenly guard at my mouth.  It is a Fruit of the Spirit to have self-control, which means I can’t do it on my own.  I know I will still fail from time to time.  And that’s where this amazing thing called GRACE comes into play.  How amazing it is to have a God that is willing to forgive us over and over, even when we keep doing the same stupid things.  Remember those chosen people of the Old Testament, the “stiff-necked people,” we can all just include ourselves in there.  Stiff-necked is such an accurate description of the human spirit and pride.  May our stiff-necks be made more flexible by practicing bowing our head to pray to the Lord of the Universe.  Please watch the 3 Minute Theology video, I am positive it will open your eyes to the importance of words (even far beyond that of appreciation of lexicology and extravagant words).

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