Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Words Power

So I really like studying lexicology.  I like learning how words and phrases came into being, but it is really concerning when television shows, with unlimited retakes, get sloppy in using phrases and correct word order.  I was watching HGTV's Dream Home 2017 today and the lady talking about the local culture, describing a church from the 18th century, called the windows "glass-stained windows." I don't know what color glass is or how you can stain something with it; because that is how she stated it.  It is stained-glass windows, because the glass is STAINED with color.  Another designer talked about putting art on a wall from "ceiling to floor." It just seems sloppy to me.  I love other languages melding with English, I like phrases developing over time, and morphology of language; but come on!

On the other side of the spectrum, I was reading a document that used the word "albedo."  I had to look this up.  It comes from the Latin word, "albus," which means white.  I kind of geeked that the implications of this would mean Albus Dumbledor was like Gandolf the White.  Anyways, albedo means the whiteness and reflectiveness of the white object.

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