My reading rate has been dwindling. I am really into my River in the Sky book. I’m
only on page 50 though. I need to
actually sit down and spend some time reading.
This last week, after working out, I’ve mostly been vegging on the
couch, Pinteresting (ugh), and watching T.V. with my parents as they play
solitaire on their iPads. I need to
spend less time browsing Pinterest and more time expanding my mind with
So far, in A River in the Sky, the couple, archaeologists in the Middle East, are back at home
(Britain) and twiddling their thumbs; all why their son is in Samaria at a
dig. The “country” has called on the
couple to go abroad to Palestine and keep an eye on what the Germans are up to
in the Ottoman Empire. They are just
about to set out and claim their son from Samaria to join them on their
mission. So again, I'm just getting to the
good part.

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