Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Playing Twister with the Truth

It's so hard in these crazy times to not have something to say. I am slightly concerned that all this drama at the forefront of the news is a cover-up for something going on behind the scenes.  A nice slight of hand trick to keep us looking the other way.

It really is scary to see people twist and turn things to say/show exactly what they want to believe.  These are not "alternative facts," my friends.  Refugees and veteran care shouldn't have to be an either/or when billion dollar planes and wars continue and we suddenly seem to have money to commence building our "huge" wall.  Today I read something, written by a woman, saying other women were disrespectful for demanding equal pay because she didn't mind making less than her husband.  Her husband did manual labor while she was a nurse.  Equal pay for women is not that every man and woman make the same despite what career field in which they were working.  It is if I, a woman, have the same job, started at the same time, and my performance is equal to my male contemporary, we should be paid the same wages.  Not making a fraction of what my male coworker is making; even if that fraction is 9/10.  Don't change the context and don't say others are being disrespectful when stating that they deserve to be treated fairly.  I was never offended or jealous of my husband making more than me when I worked as a hostess and he was the chef.  I know he was in the kitchen busting his butt to make the most delicious and beautiful sushi I have ever seen.  My job was to smile, seat people, and wipe soy sauce off the menus.  But I would expect if he started the same season as I did as a hostess, that he'd be making the same as I did a night. 

I also saw a clip of someone calling into a show to ask why America didn't/couldn't vet Puerto Rican people coming into the United States.  IT'S BECAUSE IT IS PART OF THE UNITED STATES.  Seriously people! I admit that I have been ignorant in the past, am now, and will be in the future; however, there is this thing called RESEARCH!  Do some.  Learn.  Ask questions.  The only problem will be that "alternative facts" may become the truth in history.

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12.  I wish as many people who claim to be "Christian" would follow this rule from the Bible.  I was devastated to see someone post that they have actually become scared to practice Islam in public because America is the land of religious freedom, only for Christians.  I am a Christian and I love America for our diversity and freedoms to practice whatever religion we choose. Christians are supposed to concern ourselves with changing hearts with forgiveness, mercy, and love; not judgment and forcing laws into place to try to remake paradise on earth.  In all you do, do it was love and kindness. 

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