So I didn't write last night because I was busy working on a video for a contest with Artists Den. The premise was to create a 60 second (or less) video demonstrating your fandom of the Artists Den. The girl that won, fellow Wisconsinite, I congratulate you; however, your video was all about your superfandom of Mumford and Sons. If that had been my objective, I could've come up with a way better video. I doubt that girl ever purchased a ticket to see them in a foreign country. Heck, my first piece of mail, which arrived before me, in France was my Mumford and Sons tickets. I have seen them in concerts with less than 200 people in the crowd to several hundred to several THOUSAND! I love these guys. They have seen me through my senior year of college, learning my grandmother had stage 4 cancer in several organs, moving to France without knowing a single word of French, terrible family drama, and many, many more happy memories. My life could be a Mumford and Sons soundtrack. Recently, they accompanied me to Puerto Rico. That was one of the coldest and most zen plane rides...EVER. They have a way of pepping me up and relaxing me into a meditative state. Ok, enough about those crazy boys. I'm glad they produce such beautiful music that touches my life in so many ways.
It'll be very exciting to see who wins the election race tomorrow. For now, I bid you adieu!
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