Sunday, November 11, 2012


Sleep.  Between my aching arms and my partially swollen shut throat, this will be short.  I had a lot of fun yesterday, despite the nasty cyst that was growing in my throat.  I tried yoga for about 2 hours.  One of the classes being a demonstration of aerial yoga (you hang from silk hammocks).  It was AMAZING.  Then, I went rock climbing and shopping and pigging out at Red Robin.  I'm really happy my last truly solid meal before having to resort to easy to swallow liquids was a Banzai Burger.  They are my FAV!  The other girls I went climbing with were complaining of arm and shoulder fatigue.  I couldn't tell, I've been popping Advil every few hours so swallowing my own saliva doesn't make me want to die.  I did take a bit of an nap this after noon and missed taking some, only to wake with rather achy triceps.  We did climb for about an hour and a half...until our arms were so tired we couldn't hold on to they grips anymore.  That, and extremely sweaty hands was beginning to get in the way.  It was a very lovely day. 

At the end, we backed shoe box gifts and watched Timer.  It was a really cutesy movie with the girl who played Anya in Buffy.  The premise of the movie is that, in the future, it will be possible to know the exact moment you meet your soul mate by the beeping of a timer.  The timer is an optional purchase, and if your soul mate doesn't have one, your soul mate doesn't have a timer yet ( I began to ponder about all the old maids and people who just don't feel like getting married - do the people who don't have soul mates just have a blank timer forever?).  After yet another guy failed to set Oona's timer off by the implantation of his own timer, she gets a little fed up.  This is nothing compared to her sister whose timer reads some awful number in the THOUSANDS of day.  They both get a little fed up with their timers and begin to let relationships happen as if the timer weren't there.  Real romance and chemistry happens without a timer telling them "this is your soul mate."  One day, Oona's goes from blank to a rather short count down.  She finds out that the "moment" isn't all that she thought it would be. It was a very good movie and I think my favorite line was: "You broke my heart and I'm trying really hard to be a man about it, so cut me some slack."  The movie for sure made my friend and I ponder whether or not we'd get timered. 

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