Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today, my time has been taken up in a large part with Inspector Lewis.  Or should I say, Sergeant Hathaway.  Sigh - British man that is well read and solves crime.  I think I sound like a broken record.  But I shall heave a sigh yet again.  Why, oh why, are you only in books (and a BBC drama)?  I do have to say, I even though Laurence Fox a bit adorable as that awkward fellow in Becoming Jane.  Of course, he had no chance against a Scot - beautiful James McAvoy.  My day hasn't been completely wasted.  It was so lovely outside today.  I had a nice walk about town.  I saw our newly reborn Santa...on a stick, or in this case, a giant green pole.  I also had the chance to sit down by the beach and watch all the ducks for a while.  I also got down to starting in on a list of 100 Things.  This 100 Things list is about careers that interest you.  Here is my list so far.
Tour Guide, Travel Agent, Baker, Yoga Teacher, Zumba Instructor, Nutritionist, Dog Walker/Doggie Day Care, Run an Animal Shelter, House Mom in an Orphanage, Host of a Travel Show, Comedian, Half-Priced Books Clerk/Owner, Writer, Book Editor, Counselor, Organic Farmer, Shepherdess, House Mom for an Exchange Program, Historic Re-enactor, Investigator, Movie/TV Film Editor, PBS (enough said), Idea Generator, Wedding Planner, French Enthusiast (not quite sure what that is, but I'll make it into something), Idea Tester, Library Founder on Indian Reservations, Script Writer, Blogger, Personal Trainer, Candle/Soap/Crafty Creator, Explorer, Furniture Designer, Interior Decorator, Landlord, B&B Owner, Hostess of a Musical Festival...and that is all I've gotten so far.  I think it is a step in the right direction.  I'm getting myself geared up for the potential that comes with change.  All I know is, that what I want to do with my life is bring a smile/laugh, a sense of "I can," and an appreciation for the life that is breathed in to all those that I meet.  To all the possibilities - an endless world of smiles.

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