Sunday, November 4, 2012

More is ALWAYS Better

I am so loving this extra hour in the day.  I am NOT enjoying the sun setting by 5:30.  Really?!?  This means I have to sit at my desk for the next several months and watch every day light hour slip by from my desk.  I like change - I hate change.  Life seems to be sending me a lot of change and a lot of chances for change.  I know I am stagnating in multiple ways where I am; on the other hand, I'm just starting to get to know a great group of people in my area.  Making decisions are hard work!  That is why I chose to watch Inspector Lewis and eat lots of Thin Mints.  Sergeant Hathaway is just divine.  A well read cop. It's practically an oxymoron, but he makes it so lovely.  I love the duo of Inspector Lewis and Sergeant Hathaway - they made staying in of Friday nights worth it.  Oi, am I sad.  Now, however, it is on Netflix and I can get my fix anytime I please.  Now my extra hour has dwindled away and I must get off to bed.

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