Thursday, November 8, 2012

Let It Grow

Relationships:  I love Eric Clapton.  Sigh.  However, I don't feel I can take his advice and "plant your love and let it grow."  As I've come to examine my feelings more lately, I've realized that the idea of romantic love gives me the creeps.  More like anxiety and panic.  I got told that I need to let love in - ha - maybe I'll work very slowly at it.  That will keep me from having a massive panic attack.  Maybe it is because I've been used before, treated like crap, and seen others I love treated like crap in romantic love situations.  Take it, family can treat you like hell, but you love them because those idiots are still your family.  I am not sure why I seem to break out into cold sweats at the thought of Eros, but I feel content with the love for my family, friends, animals, and books (movies too)!  So to everyone thinking I'd be all to excited to show off a hickey, better think again. 
Health: My abs still hurt from the other night.  Yoga walks are evilly delicious.  Dana takes big, giant steps while Renee, has dainty, tiny, walking steps.  Between my early run, Zumba, and yoga, my body has been mad these last couple days.  I'm not complaining that I wouldn't do it again, but I can tell I have not run in a while.  I was quite pleased that I was able to detour my run to work so I could take out the overflowing trash.  I made it there and back to my house in less than 20 minutes.  Go me!

Work:  Choices, choices.  Watching PBS tonight made me feel how fermented my brain has been feeling lately.  I miss the challenge of the mind.  What shall I do?

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