Anyways, I'm going to talk about what I think we should pull our bobby socks up over. This election is ridiculous. I am so glad that there will be about another day of pissing and moaning and bragging and gloating. Everyone needs to shut up, pick ourselves up, and for the GOD DAMN GOOD OF OUR NATION work together for a solution. No more "My way or the highway." That mentality has gotten us no where. I'll say that I voted much differently than I did four years ago. I think a lot of my views have changed as I have explored the greater world. The day after is always the worst. All there seems to be are a bunch of "Na na na nas" and "boo hoo hoos." I can't tell you how annoyed I was to listen to everyone piss and moan. Apparently the second Obama was re-elected as President, the whole world is automatically spinning into large amounts of debt and recession - oh wait, the world is ending December 21. Ok, we are all good.
Word of warning: I am not capable of solving our political or economic problems. What I put forth here isn't a solution. I do not pretend to be smart enough to solve our problems. Sometimes, I feel all of us are just stumbling around in the dark hoping that we latch onto something good that will least for a while.
Really people? Threatening to move to Europe or any other country for that are better of staying here. Most European countries have universal healthcare. I saw it both in France and Scotland. It isn't the greatest, but for someone who really needs help, it'll do. I like how all those "Proud to be American" republicans are the ones so willing to jump ship the second something doesn't go their way (aka: their canidate didn't win). Learn to deal with the fact that not everyone thinks like you, then learn to come up with a compromise that will fix the problem, not just people please.
As if everything leading up to the election wasn't bad enough, my grandparents' church had a whole sermon, complete with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, about voting. Several times I was tempted to get up and leave or correct the preacher; however, I was dutiful and I bit my tongue. It was really hard when one lady gave a children's discussion about her favorite president, Lincoln, the 14th, no 16th, President of the U.S. I can list all of the presidents in order, thank you 7th grade song, you made me a little smarter. The thing that really got me was the preacher talking about the evils that face our nation all while talking about Lady Liberty and her standing for all the freedoms of America. It kills me when people limit the freedoms of everyone in the US because they don't agree with it. Some of the preacher's points were political correctness, violence, and the continued separation of Church and State.
She said that the founding father's believed that God was behind the forming of this great nation. God was, the people came to American to have a nation where Church and State were separate so the same religious persecution that was happening in the UK wouldn't be allowed to happen here in America. People in the UK dealt with many switches back and forth between Catholicism and Protestantism. Bloody Mary got her nickname for how ruthless she was in converting the British back to Catholicism. Shortly after, everyone switched back to Protestantism when Elizabeth I took the throne. People in other countries had faced inquisitions and excommunication (pretty solid rejection from just about everything) for their beliefs. Now, there are people in our nation that want to limit our freedoms to only those that they think the Bible backs. This sort of ties in with political correctness acting as a gag on the truth (God's truths?). Trust me, I have heard people from that church say some pretty racist, backwoods, ignorant things. Screw political correctness! Let's just call everyone rag heads, fags, and retards. Jesus would have been completely ok with it. Let gay people get married. They are living together "in sin" anyways. Much like many young Americans who are "living in sin" while in a heterosexual relationship. I like that you want to defend marriage; however, the heterosexual community isn't doing it any good either. Kate Hudson doesn't even believe in monogamy, yet she continues to get married.
The preacher also talked of violence in the media. Violence in the media has always been around since the beginning of media. Violence also existed BEFORE media. Have you looked at ancient history? It was all wars! I was really getting sick of people talking about Obama's weak foreign policy when there were those riots and killings of ambassadors. I think it took great strength not to react in haste and hate. As I stated in a previous blog - that is what those extremists wanted, a reaction. When we didn't go straight to the war button, things died down. It took a while, but what is going on now? Nothing. I am all for supporting our soldiers. What they do is amazing and I am SO thankful for the sacrifices they make for me. War costs money. Giving our soldiers the best protection and fighting equipment costs money. Sure, let's start another pointless war with some terrorists and sink further into debt. Not to mention, we are pretty much fighting the people we handed weapons to. Yeah, those American companies that care more about money than anything else. What I do like about the current foreign policy, is the effort to include women in politics everywhere. I read about this in the Heifer International magazine. It was amazing to see this article since I had no idea that was part of the current administrations efforts. I agree, places that oppress women and limit them are limiting themselves. Women tend to compromise, even across political divides. So it makes sense to try to include the other half of the populations in the government.
I haven't looked into the debt crisis. I see it, I know it is there. I am not sure how a president is supposed to fix it all by himself. Greedy companies, corporations, and banks have caused many an economic problem. They don't want to fix their mistakes. They want the government, better yet, the president, to fix what it is they have messed up. Oh, but excuse me, don't force any regulations on them. Greece's economy pretty much tanked because a bank was helping them speculate and basically "cook the books." I can't find the article to back it up, but I remember hearing about two Econ students that collapsed an entire small countries economy as an experiment. Donald Trump can piss and moan all he wants, but I seem to remember him getting some help when he declared bankruptcy (four times). I think we could probably pay off our debt over night if we had a tv tax. Yearly, you have to pay a set amount for the number of tvs in your home. From someone with 3 tvs (2 sit unplugged on the floor since I can't seem to GIVE them away), we could kick debt in the butt quickly.
I have spoken before about women's issues. I'm not for abortions but education is HUGE. Republicans, you want to cut spending, support education. It is better to stop an issue before it starts: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Ben Franklin. Therefore, stopping an unwanted, unable to afford pregnancy from occurring in the first place is better than paying 18 years of food stamps and medicaid costs. I know my parents never talked to me about sex. Thank God I'm pretty smart and can figure out the birds and the bees from a book because when I was little I thought French kissing caused pregnancy. How many other young girls out there are struggling with hormonal changes and no one explaining to them what is going on and how everything works. I'm sick of the rich people around me talking about education being the parent's responsibility and the pregnant person's responsibility. Sarah Palin's daughter even got pregnant at a young age; however, mama Palin stepped in and helped out with her deep pockets. Not every person who can't afford a baby has people around them with deep pockets. Have you seen the girls on 16 and Pregnant? What a little bit of education could've done for them. It just seems logical to preach safe sex. Less STDs to treat and less unwanted pregnancies to pay for later on down the road.
I guess my mind is slightly baffled when I think of what each party really stands for. Republicans want less government control. With less control on business, how do you stop them from taking jobs abroad? Oh wait, you don't want to control business per se, just every one else's lives. Got it. Democrats want more government control. This also scares the crap out of me. I see the necessity of it in certain situations but I don't like the government all up in my business. If we could all put our "I'm right"s away in a corner for awhile and focus on getting America back, we could have a great nation again. I'm not concerned about having to be number one. We just need to not be so divided that we can't see what a great nation we do have before us.
You can educate people until they are blue in the face. It isn't going to change the fact that they'll still make poor decisions. I know chocolate makes me fat yet I eat it. Smokers know that smoking can cause cancer, yet they smoke like a wildfire. People neglect/abuse/shame others/say hurtful things/lie/murder/be EVIL because we are all sinners. Educate them if you want to, but they will still making bad choices because we are HUMANS and we are full of SIN >>I'm an expert, because I AM human<<.
ReplyDeleteOn the topic of gay marriage: God created marriage. If you don't believe in God why get married?? Why would you do something that was created by a being you don't recognize?? That's completely illogical & ridiculous. And I'm talking about ANYONE...including Kate Hudson.
The only way the world will change is when Christians start loving everyone the way Christ loved us. I'm not very good at it myself, but I truly believe that if I love the people I meet they'll be changed for the better and they'll pass it on. So let's try to pass the LOVE on.
I see what you are saying; however, some people do take education and learn from it. Others spit at it and say they are going to do as they please. Also, how did we come to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Many men in the Bible had numerous wives and concubines. When did it become the standard it is today? Who said?