Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One of Each

I got some pretty exciting news tonight.  I'm going to have a niece come April.  SO HAPPY!  Now I can buy both girly and boy-ish things!  : D Just think of all the cute things this girl's aunties are going to do to her.  She is going to be so spoiled.  Hmm...I wonder if you can take out a bank account in some one's name even if they don't technically "exist" yet.  I already have one for my nephew, time to break one out for the niece.  I'll have to split that $5 every other week between the two of them now.  I'm kinda hoping they stop at one each now, because when all is said and done, five bank accounts for nephews and nieces is going to be a lot!  I'll still love them tons and tons.  Maybe I'll get them a lottery ticket someday.  Wonder who won the Mega big bucks tonight.  It wasn't me, so I don't really care all that much.  Well, I need to get back to that depressing book so I can be finished with it by tomorrow.

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