Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Zen It Out

I am so tired today.  I honest was worried about my eyes just closing the whole last hour of work.  It has been one long, crazy day.  Why does everything seem to go to crap all at once?  This week, on top of everything else going on in my family, I've been sick and apparently my klutz gear went from low to high.  I can't seem to touch anything without breaking or spilling it.  A bottle of wine shattered, my almond milk spilled (after being left out all day), the bag of my favorite granola ripped and it spilled everywhere.  Not to mention, I'm facing quite a big decision and my comfort zone adoring self really is balking.  Some days/weeks, I just feel like pulling the covers over my head.  I will get through this week, and oddly, I've been rather zen the whole week (even with shattering and ripping and other various forms of destruction occurring around me). 

Also, still confused about all of our "America loving citizens" that obviously don't care enough to want to actually see her through her toughest times.  So glad you are an American.  Instead of seceding and potentially leading to another civil war, why don't you just move to Mexico.  Or heck, I hear there are more jobs in China.  Have at it.

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to move to MN tomorrow. So don't stress about that :)
