After watching the movie...several times...I decided to pull out my copy of Emma and actually read it. I'm about 100 pages or so into it and have another 100+ pages to go, but I am loving every second of it. Jane Austen's stories are so very interesting; however, I tend to fall asleep on them. If the book isn't smacking me in the face I'm typically slouched over onto the book! It has nothing to do with my lack of interest, but more my tired eyes cannot keep up with the verbose Victorian style.
I have also been keeping up in my Intellectual Devotional and I am now nearly caught up. I did not know that cows could even dream prior to reading this book, let alone did I realize that they couldn't dream while standing. I already knew that cows could sleep while standing, but apparently they cannot dream and sleep while standing - to enter REM sleep (the state in which you dream) they have to lie down.

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