Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Feel like Dancin

Oi - this coming week I am going to be having another birthday! This weekend is my "birthday weekend." My birthday happens on a Monday, so I need to party it up while I can! I am not sure what all I will be doing to celebrate, but hopefully it will be something epic.

Relationships: I'm excited, my little literature society will be starting up soon. I can't wait for us to start meeting. I'm also having my "(gay) boyfriends" over for dinner and a movie this weekend. My sister likes to add the little bit in front of boyfriends. I don't care, I love them to pieces!

Health: I haven't worked out nearly as much this week. Soccer mom duties and migraines have blocked off two days, but I'm feeling good. I'm a little sore from last weekend. My siblings and I rented Just Dance 3 and I kicked there butts at every song! Apache killed my arms, but was the best song on there, other than I Don't Feel like Dancin'.

Career: Things are going really well at work. New software is killing me! I have to go through and enter nearly 3000 people into the new program. Oi!

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