Thursday, October 20, 2011


Relationships: I swear to God, my sister and mother are relentless.  My mother actually google stalked a strange guy to find out about him because my sister had said he'd be perfect for me.  They're sweet to care so much, but come on!  I'm about ready to hand them the song from Brigadoon where the girl tells all her sisters - I marry a man, when I find one worth marrying.  Gah! 

Health:  Oi - I think I ate myself sick on candy today.  I had resisted quite well all week long, but today I broke down and ate a ton of the candy that sits in the bowl in front of me at work.  I worked 9 3/4 hours today and it was a busy day.  I was meeting myself coming and going - not to mention, my lunch was a bit later than usual and I couldn't resist the draw of the candy anymore. 

Career:  I like my job...I'm just happy I don't have to do my CA training again this weekend!

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